These are my characters that I play in my favourite video games. More pictures here.

Guild Wars

Reyzadren Aeshaeirs is a Me/Rt, a utility hybrid disruptor using Xinrae's Weapon as his elite skill. He resides at the Great Northern Wall in Ascalon.

Guild Wars 2

Reyzadren Aeshaeirs is a human engineer who wields pistol/shield. He joined the Priory organisation.


Reyzadren is a hardy worker from Hammerlocke, Galar. He uses drapion, claydol, klefki, breloom, galvantula and chandelure on his team. This trainer card was approved and processed by the professor's machine.

Stardew Valley

Reyzadren rebuilt community facilities around town with Jojamart. On the farm, his shipped harvests are cranberries and pumpkins.

Sims 4

Reyzadren is a writer who likes to play video games. He lives in a modern house with Caley, Zakir and Valery.

Second Life

Reyzadren usually attends events in New Babbage and Angel Manor.

Video game section:
* My characters
* Favourite games
* Forum profiles
Social media sites!
* Youtube
* Soundcloud

Copyleft Reyzadren. 2025 Update.