These books are fully written in the griushkoent conlang. Some of them are translations, whereas the remaining form the general fiction section.

Translations ____________________

ykgloemae yoiz (Ghosts)

taloem (The Pearl)

ijpeshsonzeroeke riounds (Immersion, The bookmaking habits of select species, Portrait of Lisane da Patagnia, The finite canvas, The curator speaks in the department of dead languages, In the astronaut asylum)

lyrshi uazhae oelzhaezh (The giants of the violet sea)

klustespalven riounds (Paper menagerie, Mama we are zhenya your son, Fields of gold, Sauerkraut station, The sea king's second bride, Peach-creamed honey)

souyi un ilz yuhi (Quietly and very fast)

fraeizhyehkuthplud (Christmas carol)

vegler un roeter thiafbruafen (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)

sougel ual (Sign of four)

naib un er (Of mice and men)

taloem (Pygmalion)

caus kayoec (The lord of the rings, the two towers (Book 4))

General fiction ____________________

ijfenslef riounds


thuzhgjaevvazhen riounds

stihkuja prab


degs gaeirae

narou lash

zhevesmoezon riounds

Others ____________________


kegfesh blajs



10el muntnast kaejyaej

11el muntnast kaejyaej



vurshzuik riounds

yavklez riounds

kaelais skairoel


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Newest release:

lyrshi uazhae oelzhaezh

Copyleft Reyzadren. 2024 Update.